

Sidhapudur, Coimbatore - 641 044

Phone Number

+91 422 2243924

Email Address

Class Attendance

  • All Students must be regular and punctual. Late comers can enter their class only with Principal's permission.

  • 75% of the attendance is a must for every student to be eligible for promotion.

  • Leave should be applied in written form, prescribed in School Diary with parent's signature. Application for leave on medical grounds should be addressed to the Principal accompanied by a medical certificate.

  • You will appreciate that punctuality is a key aspect of discipline. We urge you therefore; to ensure that children always reach school on time and by 8.45am gate will be closed.

Rolling admissions now open

Applications are now open for the 2024-2025 academic year, welcoming students from KG to +2. Secure your spot and join us!